Saturday, December 5, 2015

Houston Praised for Moving 4,100 Homeless Vets to Permanent Housing #JHedzWorlD

I was reading through all the negativity and stupidity this morning while drinking my coffee and something said, ‘how about some good news?’, so I typed in GOOD NEWS and found your site… Ahhh!

John Longo

Oh my, you’ve made my day! I can’t tell you completely how happy you’ve made me.

– Dany

Thank you for writing your newsletter, Some Good News! I enjoyed reading the positive stories … I am heartened by the goodness and generosity that I see in people … Keep up your good work.

– former Sec. of State Colin Powell

Your daily stories have allowed me to rekindle a certain appreciate for the good things in life. The truth is, I was passing up a lot of good things in my life without realizing it. Please keep doing what you’re doing. It is making a huge difference in the way I see my world.

– Trey Aubrey

I think there needs to be a change of consciousness with the news … to try to seek a higher ground. Why can’t it be more representative of the way the world really is? I think we don’t know what the bombardment of crime and violence does to our minds, I think we’re in denial about it.

– Oprah Winfrey

When I read the newspaper, I look for the good news because every thought we think changes our biochemistry. Your hormones are all affected by your thoughts. Pay attention to things that bring you joy.

– Dr. Christiane Northup

I think the press, including TV journalism, has an ethical responsibility, a sacred responsibility, a service mission … to make good news just as entertaining (as we’ve made sexy the violence).

– Marianne Williamson

If news is not really news unless it is bad news, it may be difficult to claim we are an informed nation.

– Norman Cousins, editor of Saturday Review

I just came upon your site through the Yahoo News page and I nearly fell off my chair.

-Bridget Driscoll

I can’t believe you exist!!

-Anthony Tudini

What a breath of fresh air.

-Teresa Yordy

A media diet of hostility, blame, confrontation and violence corrodes your civic outlook.

– Mark Gerzon, Campaign for Common Ground; Organizer of a bipartisan congressional retreat in May ’97

Are we supposed to be boosters or promoters? What are we supposed to be? Not destroyers of community; not extinguishers of hope. We need to think about our impact. We tend to say we don’t have one; we just pass along the news. Readers say otherwise.

– former Washington Post ombudsman, Geneva Overholser

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about these things.

– St. Paul

I have found … that people are thirsting for images of goodness in order to maintain their hope in a difficult world. Sometimes, the measure of our work as journalists is not the professional recognition of colleagues, but rather the mark we make in the hearts of readers who see our work.

– Gerald Herbert, photojournalist

I am a professor at Case Western reserve University and absolutely love your work–it is very significant. I would like to share your link at our website on Appreciative Inquiry. Thank you for your work!

-David Cooperrider

Thank you for making this site. Daily, I was affected by Panic Attacks which were triggered from the news and all it’s negative content. I considered starting a good news site and I was so happy to find one already here.

– Lisa

GNN has really changed the way I see the world. A few months ago I realized that I was getting really bogged down by all the terror and destruction that hit me first thing in the morning, and throughout my day. Now, with the Good News Network set as my homepage, I see first the good that goes on in the world and my attitude and state of mind are much better.

– Brian Dicrocco

When the war in Iraq started, I went into a depression state. I felt constantly worried and agitated and it was hard to enjoy doing things I loved to do. Then I found your site. It lifted my spirits and helped get me out of the funk I was in. Now I’m going to school and enjoying the things I like to do.

– Camry V.

I suffer from depression and paranoia. I feel like I can never truly be happy as I always get this sense of encroaching doom and most of my fears are heightened by media sensationalism. Your website is just what I need to focus.

– Mike


– Equila Phelps

I enjoyed reading the positive stories… I am heartened by the goodness and generosity that I see in people… Keep up your good work.

-Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, US Army (Retired)

I was absoutely blown away by the fact that there was someone out there in the world who had not only thought of creating a Good News Network, but who had done it for ten years.

-Viktoria Roxie

What a relief to hear some of the positive things happening in the world.

-Courtney Baird

After reading another horrible story on CNN, I typed in “good news”. To my delight, there IS actually some. Thank you for your fabulous website that puts a little hope back into my soul.


I was feeling so depressed and so I googled “good news” and found your site. It was so great!


Wow. Very Good Idea.


What a relief to hear some of the positive things happening in the world.

-Courtney Baird

Your Good News Network has changed my life!

-Camille in Seattle

I’ve felt suffocated by today’s news that rains down a storm of death, war and terrorism. I decided to search the web for positive news. Thank you for lifting my spirits, after only 10 minutes of reading I felt better about the world in which we live.

-Paul Lastovica

The Good News Network is an extremely important initiative. I recommend that each person makes it a habit to visit the website at least once a day. Positive information benefits us emotionally, physically, and mentally. It can contribute in a meaningful way to a happier and healthier life.

– Tal Ben-Shahar, Harvard University psychology professor

My daily habit a year ago was to read the news with my morning coffee. I felt the entire world was falling apart and getting worse day by day. Then I read some research on the effects of bad news, and made a conscious choice to read uplifting stories… Now I’m excited about all the wonderful things around the world, instead of feeling helpless. When I read the stories on GNN I feel empowered, included, and encouraged to get involved.

– Kerrie S., OK

Your site is great for me. When I read it I can see how my prayers for worldwide peace and tolerance are being answered.

– Kay Haraguchi

Thanks for the fantastic site. It’s a relief to go somewhere with REAL news that leaves me in a good mood.

– Ellen M.

I am very excited about your website. I definitely want to be part of the healing energy of your Good News Network.

– Ann

I get my news from the internet, including Google News, Huffington Post & the NY Times. But my first and last visit is always your site. Thanks for being here.

– Jim Fenno

With all the negativity in sports these days (i.e. Michael Vick, steroids, exorbitant contracts, etc.) I’m glad to see GNN come out with a sports section to report all of the good things that are happening in the world of sports. Great for kids and adults to view the good side of sport celebrities. I love GNN. It starts my day off in a great frame of mind.

-Jim G.

I’ve begun using your Good News stories as centerpieces to my Sunday sermons at church. A Christian message is one of “good news’ and our congregants thrive hearing these news items from the real world. It takes our Christian message to a new height.

-Herb Pierson, Crystal Coast Unity Church, Morehead City, NC

I am just getting into the swing of things after some health concerns. Reading your site daily in the past few months was important for me and a great resource. I am back in fine form, and your site really helps me stay positive and focused on my business. It’s exactly the type of effective positive strategy I teach in my seminars.

– Gisèle Guénard RN BScN MEd, CEO of

Thanks for the good “medicine”! I love the Good News Network: It is helping me become “me”.

-Jackie B.

I just needed some good news for a change. Thank you. You’ve taken a bit of the edge off a blue day.

-Trevor in Canada

I was just at one of the big news websites and thought “these people make it seem like the end of the world is coming.” Then I found you.

– John

The platform for my work is Albert Einstein’s ‘Knowing’ that the only way to change anything is to change the thinking that created it. He lived by this knowledge. The Good News Network is helping people everywhere do exactly that.

– Gisèle Guénard RN BScN MEd, VisionarEase Inc. CEO

I am totally sick of hearing about murders, drugs, and all the rubbish the commercial networks bombard us with. I am not sticking my head in the sand. It’s just that I think, enough is enough. I get depressed as it is, without hearing about all the negative stuff in the world. Thanks for making my day.

– Bruce H., Blue Mountains near Sydney Australia

After being in several very depressing conversations with seemingly EVERYONE about the high price of gas, the state of the economy and upcoming presidential election, I don’t think I’ve even smiled in a few days – until I found your site… You’ve gently reminded me that there is a lot in the world to smile about. Perspective is everything, and despite what appears in mainstream news, good does happen – a lot more than I was lead to believe.

– Stacey Long, Hayward, CA

Your Top 10 good newsletter today was so good. It lifted my spirits more than any other issue. A couple items even choked me up. People need to know the good stuff that is happening, to inspire them to greater heights. We need to know that our efforts are paying off, that we can build a paradise — and we’re doing it. Thank you for singing this from the hilltops… a most valuable, important service.

-Tony Milch, Burbank, CA

Visiting GNN is actually at the top of my self care list. Working in the mental health field means, among other things, passing along helpful tools like your site. And I have told so many people about it.

– Sharon Reid

I want to tell you that your Good News Network has helped me through bad times in my life when I struggled through anxiety and depression and sometimes doubts of faith. I check your website everyday and it gives me hope, comfort, and reassurance more than words can say.

– Cambry

I am amazed at the change in my mood and the way I look at everything now. I am reading your site every day and l love it. Thank you very much for your beautiful work. It is something very much needed.

– Nathalia Viveros

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate and enjoy getting the GoodNews Network newsletter each Wednesday. As a chaplain at a life care retirement community, I lead a discussion group on current news with seniors each week. They are overloaded with the bad news, and even though we don’t want to have our heads in the sand, we need to hear some good news. So thanks a million!

Dick Lewallen, Delray Beach, Florida

I have a 7 year old son and we don’t watch TV, listen to the news, or read newspapers because so much of it is negative and full of pain and hate — things his little body does not need. I am SO thrilled to be able to show him stories on your Website and talk to him about the positive, Good work that is occurring here on Earth. You have given me a safe place where I can allow my son to browse and follow the stories that interest him. Thank you!

– Esther Colwell

I realize how this event (the “Miracle on the Hudson”) had touched people’s lives, how ready they were for good news, how much they wanted to feel hopeful again. We’ve had a worldwide economic downturn, and people are confused, fearful and just so ready for good news. They want to feel reassured that all the things we value, all our ideals, still exist.

– Captain “Sully” Sullenberger

As a parent, small business owner, and citizen I congratulate you on having such a wonderful website. It lifts my heart, gives me courage, and renews my belief in ALL humankind when I read the stories you highlight. I tell everyone I meet about your wonderful and noble quest.

– Amy Dobronyi, Colorado

Unless one makes a deliberate effort to seek out good news, what one gets from the media is frequently less than uplifting. On your site, there is a distinct focus on the good, the generous and the inspirational. Thanks for being there for those of us who choose to accentuate the positive.

Dr Paul Hettinger, Orlando, FL

Every day I get to work in the morning, get my coffee, jump online and read the news. Every day I go home sad and depressed… Then I found your site and after reading the first story I immediately felt my spirits lift and I never went home sad again. Reading ordinary news we get a sense that that’s all there is, but your site reminds us the world is not as bad as the news would lead us to believe. Thank you for everything.

– Anonymous

Your site is the first thing I see on my computer every time I open it. Thank you so much! In such a world of ups and downs and sometimes unbelievable craziness I can always count on GNN to keep me in the uplifted, grateful and inspired zone!

– Anonymous

Articles like this really gresae the shafts of knowledge.

– Anonymous

Thank you so much for this site. All the best from Croatia, Europe.

– Anonymous

What else can one wish for but to lift one’s spirits..the selection of your news is great.

– Yogesh Kalra

I hereby nominate this website for the Nobel Peace Prize.

– Théo Landry, Moncton, NB, Canada (2-25-2012)

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