Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mortal Kombat Krisis - Spawn #JHedzWorlD

Mortal Kombat DLC

From: Todd MacFarlane’s Spawn.

Biography: Albert Simmons was once the CIA’s finest assassin. However, his morality got the better of him, due to the fact that most of his missions would have too many innocents caught in the crossfire, and he decided he wished to leave. However, during the final mission he was supposed to complete, he was shot down by his own partner, on the orders of his director. However, he was soon reborn as a Hellspawn, in exchange for seeing his beloved wife again.

At first, he was more of an antihero, but later on, he would become more of a champion of Earth itself. As such, during one of his battles with the forces of hell, he noticed a vortex in a nearby alleyway and he sensed the dark energies eminating the portal. Spawn was intrigued and entered the portal to the realms of Outworld, and became embroiled in a battle to protect not just Earthrealm, but various other realms in Mortal Kombat.

Normal Costume: Black and red living bodysuit/armor with white M like shape on the torso, two silver skull fasteners near shoulders, larger skull buckle on waist with armored belt which also resembles chains melded together and armor plating, red segmented fingerless gauntlets with built in shields and adorned with spikes, red armored boots which cover shins, ankles and toes adorned with spikes, black cowl which covers face completely with white tribal mask like markings over his eyes, which show through the mask, right bicep has chains wrapping around them, left bicep has an armband with spikes on it, red flowing cape.

Alternative Costume: Same as above, only with red inside the sides of the M, a thicker right boot, no cape, silver chains in place of his belt, cowl is removed revealing his burned face and green eyes.


Forward Throw: Spawn grabs the opponent in a wristlock, yanks him/her towards his body, then sidesteps to take them to the ground.
Backward Throw: Spawn grabs the opponent in a chickenwing then twists their body to slam them onto the ground.

Special Moves:

Necro Sphere: Spawn shoots a ball of Necroplasm at his opponent. Has High and Low variations. (Enhanced Move is Necro Pulse, where the ball is larger and faster.)
Chain Slam: Spawn shoots out his chains, which grab the opponent, and slings them to the other side of the screen, like a hammer. (Enhanced Move is Chain Smash, where Spawn repeats the action three times.)
Necro Barge: Spawn does a shoulder tackle, similar to the Charging Spikes of Shao Kahn. Has a rising variation. (Enhanced Move is Necro Bash, where Spawn comes in faster, and covers more screen length, and adds a stun effect.)
Weapons Expert: Spawn pulls out a pair of SMGs and fires off at the opponent. (Enhanced Move is Heavy Weapons Expert, where he fires off a minigun.)
Necroport: Spawn teleports to a point on the screen. Has Away and Towards variations. (Enhanced Move is NecroEscape, where he teleports farther or closer.)
Necropunch: Spawn charges his fist with Necroplasm and lands a hard punch to the face. (Enhanced Move is Necro Lariat, where Spawn charges his entire arm with Necroplasm and lands a hard lariat.)
Spiral Kick: Lifted from the Spawn SNES Game, and can only be performed in the air, Spawn performs a spinning double drop kick on his opponent. (Enhanced Move is Drill Kick, where Spawn turns both his feet into a sort of Drill and does more damage.)

X-Ray Move

Close Quarters: Spawn slams his fist into the opponent’s gut, rupturing internal organs. Then he follows it up with a kick to the side of the face, breaking the jawbone. Finally, he does a leaping dropkick to the chest, cracking the sternum and breaking a few ribs.


Feel the Burn: Spawn grabs his opponent, and throws him onto the ground, then uses his elemental control to ignite the unfortunate opponent. The opponent screams as Spawn says, “That’s right. Feel the burn. You better get used to it.”
Total Agony: Spawn picks up his SMGs and begins shooting at the opponent. But when he runs out of ammo, he throws down the guns, and conjures up his Agony Axe from Soul Calibur, and slices them in half.
Chain-Sawed: Spawn shoots out his chains, as they sprout small blades, and it begins cutting into his opponents throat, and soon, their heads are decapitated.


Hellish Beatdown: Spawn turns his hands into thicker gauntlets with spikes adorned on them, and begins punching the hell out of his opponent, then continues with a few kicks, and finally a finishing blow that breaks his opponent’s head open.
Cutthroat Rush: Spawn jabs one hand into his opponent’s gut, then uses the other to slash open their throat.
Disarming: Spawn grabs the opponent by their wrists and kicks them in the gut, ripping off their arms in the process.


Shows Spawn as a baby, in a smaller version of his K-7 Leetha suit, as an African American woman walks up and picks him up, as Spawn coos happily.


Spawn holds up a marionette of himself and manipulates it.

Win animation:

Spawn then throws back his cape and says, “See you in hell.” Afterward, he leaps off.

Victory Cutscene:

“Spawn had easily dispatched Kotal Kahn, and his minions, sending them to their just reward.”

(Shows Spawn, with his back turned.)

“Spawn was then approached by Raiden, in gratitude to the Hellspawn. In return, he offered to restore Spawn to his human self, Al Simmons.”

(Shows Raiden offering…)

“Spawn thought about it, but ultimately decided….”

(He turns his back on Raiden…)

“to decline. When asked why, he simply said…”

(This segment is spoken in Spawn’s voice.)

“Someone’s gotta keep the assholes of Earth in line… and that someone’s gonna be me.”

(Raiden nods at this…)

“Raiden accepted this answer, and opened a portal to Spawn’s dimension.”

(Shows Spawn arriving in an alleyway…)

“However… when Spawn arrived… he was greeted with….”

(We then see the Violator with a bloody, “Welcome Back, Spawn” banner, as well as many of Spawn’s greatest enemies….)

“A rather warm reception. Just another day for him, I suppose.”



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