Tuesday, February 2, 2016

After Iowa: focus shifts to New Hampshire as Sanders and Clinton 'in virtual tie' – live #JHedzWorlD

Can Ted Cruz build on his momentum – and what about the dead heat on the Democratic side? Our up-to-the-minute coverage has the answers as we journey east to New Hampshire

4.39pm GMT

Supporters came to Nashua, New Hampshire from all over New England on Tuesday, to hear Hillary Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, speak at a community college hours after her virtual dead heat with Vermont senator Bernie Sanders in Iowa.

Though the final result had not been finally determined, New Hampshire governor Maggie Hassanintroduced Clinton as the “first woman ever to win the Iowa caucus”. The crowd, packed into a gymnasium, erupted in loud cheers.

4.39pm GMT

Via the Guardian US interactive team, here’s how the final results in Iowa are stacking up:

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