Saturday, January 2, 2016

.:The Start Of Our Future:. #JHedzWorlD

Condemned to Earth – Chapter 2

Leaning against the windowsill, the pair of bright blue eyes scanned the scene below, a smile crossing his lips as he watched the various vehicles speeding their way down the various roads, stopping every now and then at the little red signs or the blinking lights hanging down. Justin still hadn’t figured everything out about this crazy city he had been thrown down to, but it was definitely much more fun than he had thought it would be.

He had no idea there was going to be this many people living around the city either, though he wasn’t sure how many actually lived here or were just visiting. There were many things wonderful about it so he figured it would be a pretty popular one for tourism and things of the like. He knew that he had ventured to many interesting places already with Rahmiel and that was only in one section of this large community. Who really knew what else was in store for them here.

Tapping on the top of the window, he ran a hand through his bedhead, messing the many blond streaks into the natural brown strands as he examined more of whatever was going on in the streets. Part of him really wanted to just run down there and join in whatever was going on, whether it was just people walking to their jobs or home, a group of people here on a trip, or just everyone just going about their daily routines. Though, that probably wasn’t what the other humans did so maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea.

Sure, he had been living down here for a little over a month now, but some things were still a little confusing for him. It’s pretty hard to get perfectly adjusted to New York City when you’ve lived in a foreign world your entire life, though he was up for the challenge. It’s not like it was a totally foreign world to him though. He had heard things while he was growing up, but this still was way more than he could’ve ever expected or anticipated.

But he loved it. Heaven had grown to be such a drab without his best friend and it’s not like he really behaved himself like angels should so it really wasn’t a surprise when the ones in charge decided that it was best that he should be thrown out. He really didn’t want to stay up there without Belial anyways so what really was the point of staying.

Sighing, he took one last look out the window before walking back over to his bed, scanning the room for wherever he had put his pants last night. The pair of blue eyes narrowed as he looked around, turning to lift up the dark blue blanket before letting it flop back down. Placing his hands on his hips, he continued walking around the bedroom, lifting up different objects every now and then with hopes that at least a pair of sweatpants would be nearby.

He simply shook his head when he searched the entirety of the room with still no pants in hand, letting out an irritated groan as he headed out of the room and down to the bottom floor of the two story house. Thinking about it, he was still curious as to how Rahmiel managed to get this large of a house for him, especially since it was just mainly him living here with the other angel popping in every few days or so to check on him. Justin knew it was just his job to monitor him, since someone had to do it and Rahmiel only trusted himself to do it since god only knows what the other angel would’ve gotten into with anyone else.

As he made his way into the living room, his eyes locked onto the figure sleeping on the couch as he walked over closer. Peering over the back of it, he laughed as he saw Rahmiel passed out lying on his stomach, a pillow covering over his head while a throw blanket covered the rest of him. Justin shook his head as he carefully picked up the pillow and smacked the other brunet in the head with it, getting an annoyed groan as he watched him move a bit.

“Rahm wake up. I need your help with something.”

Waiting, he watched as the other man just hid under the small blanket, or at least gave his best attempt to. He rolled his eyes as he figured Rahmiel was just trying to go back to sleep, or was trying his hardest to ignore the other angel which obviously wasn’t going to work out for him as Justin hit him once again with the pillow.

“Come on man, this is important.”

“… Is the house on fire?”

He paused as the pair of blue eyes narrowed, shaking his head at the muffled comment from the brunet. “Well… no, but-”

“Did you flood the house?”

“No, but-”

“Then it can’t be that important.”

Rolling his eyes, he waited for a moment to see if Rahmiel was going to wake up, thinking that he was just joking with his tired comments. However, a few minutes passed and the brunet still hadn’t moved from his tight position cuddled under the throw blanket. Justin reached for the pillow again and brought it up to smack the other man repeatedly, watching as Rahmiel began moving as he lifted his arms over his head in defense.

“Alright alright! Quit hitting me with pillows! I’m getting up!”

He held onto the pillow as he watched the other man sit up from his spot on the couch, shoving the blanket off of him as he ran a hand through his disheveled light brown hair. Glaring the pair of bright green eyes in Justin’s direction, he adjusted his position on the couch so he could get a better view of the other angel.

“So, what was so important you had to beat me with a pillow?”

“… I can’t find my pants.”

Narrowing his eyes, Rahmiel just shook his head as the other man shrugged. “You woke me up like that… just so I can help you find your pants?”

“Well… yeah.”

“… Are you seriously that absent minded hat you honestly can’t find your pants in the morning?” he asked, rolling his eyes as Justin nodded. “God, they’re in the bathroom.”

“Thank you. Was that so hard?”

Before Rahmiel could comment, he saw Justin bolting up the stairs back up to the other floor before shaking his head, letting out a groan as he laid back down on the couch. He didn’t bother covering back up, especially since he figured he’d just get beat with the pillow again if he did so what really was the point. He was just going to enjoy the few moments of silence he had before Justin would be making his way back downstairs.

Up in the bathroom, Justin examined the area around him hoping to see his pants somewhere, opening different drawers and cupboards with still no sign of the clothing anywhere. Narrowing the pair of blue eyes, he moved the shower curtain as he peered inside, letting out a little laugh as he saw the pair of dark grey jeans lying in the bathtub.

“How in the world did they get here,” he snickered to himself, taking the pants out of the bathtub.

He held them up in front, examining them in amazement as he noticed they were still dry. Shrugging, he jumped into them before heading back into his room for a shirt. He figured those should be a little easier to find as many of them were scattered on the dressers and the floor. Picking one up, his eyes scanned the black V-neck before he slipped it on and headed back downstairs.

As he got to the couch once more, a smirk crept on his face as he took a seat on the arm of the couch, watching as Rahmiel just laid there peaceful. Slowly, he reached down to grab another pillow, freezing as he saw the bright green eyes glaring up at him.

“I swear, if you hit me with that pillow one more time, you won’t be able to hold onto it.”

“Okay, whatever you say,” he laughed, getting an eyeroll back from the other man. “But just so you know, you’re like the least intimidating person I know so you might want to work on your threats.”

Shaking his head, Rahmiel ran his hands over his face, watching as the other angel dropped the pillow before leaning back on his spot. “I’ll never understand how people deal with you.”

“And yet you’re still here, which honestly surprises me. I thought you would’ve been long gone back up there by now.”

“They want me down here permanently now,” he shrugged, noticing the raised brow on Justin’s face. “I forgot to tell you yesterday. The last time I went back up there, they told me to keep you under constant surveillance to make sure you don’t misbehave, or at least no more than usual.”

“They really said that?”

“Well, not exactly. I made up the last part.”

Justin just rolled his eyes, glancing down at the other man while his eyes drifted. “Don’t you usually wear a shirt to bed?”

A confused expression fell on Rahmiel’s face as he sat up a bit, taking the time to examine his toned naked torso before shrugging as he looked back up to the other man. “I do sometimes. Is it a crime to occasionally forget?”

“Oh believe me, I’ll be the last person to complain. I just wasn’t expecting you to, well, you know, look like this.”

The pair of green eyes narrowed as he sat all the way up, turning to look at Justin better before rolling his eyes at the newfound smirk on the other angel’s face. “You’ve known me since we were kids. Why does this honestly surprise you?”

“I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve seen you without a shirt on.”

“Are you… You know what? I’m not even going to finish that.” The brunet pushed himself up and off the couch as he began to make his way upstairs. “I forgot that you’re usually the one that thinks the whole world is a nudist colony and I actually wear clothes.”

Justin just laughed at the other man’s comments, turning to look after Rahmiel as he made his way to the second floor, the brunet leaning over to flop on the couch now that it was empty. “I wouldn’t go that far! If I looked like you did I might think about it though.”

“Don’t be getting any ideas in that twisted head of yours Phar. I prefer wearing clothes thank you very much.”

“You aren’t wearing a shirt right now though,” he teased, hearing a door opening from upstairs. “So that doesn’t really help your case very much.”

“One time. One time I don’t wear one and I’m never going to hear the end of it am I.”

Laughing, he ran his hands across his face, reaching down to grab the pillow from the floor to put under his head. “Well it’s not my fault you’ve got a rockin’ bod and didn’t think to tell anyone.”

He listened to the silence from upstairs, shaking his head as he chuckled while adjusting his position on the couch. The pair of blue eyes stared up at the ceiling as he waited for a response from Rahmiel.

“… Phar, we’re not doing this. Pardon me if I didn’t know that I had a ‘rockin’ bod’ or however you worded it. Just please, no more of talking to me like you did Belial.”

“Oh what’s wrong with a little compliment?” he asked, watching as Rahmiel made his way back downstairs, adjusting the light blue tank top over his jeans. “Aw, you went and ruined it.”

“You know what? If you want to look at someone half naked, go find someone else because I’m not here to be your eye candy.”

“Gosh, sometimes you’re just no fun,” Justin muttered, watching from his spot as the other man made his way through the living room over to the entry hall. “Hold on, where are you going?”

“I’m going out for a bit, is that alright?”

Sitting up, he looked over to try and see Rahmiel, but it didn’t seem to work to his advantage with the wall hiding the brunet. “Look, I didn’t mean to make you upset with the comments. I was just kidding!”

“I know. I just want to go get more of my stuff since I’m staying with you now. I’d much rather wear my own clothes and have my own stuff while I’m here.”

“But my clothes look just fine on you. I mean look at what you’re wearing now.”

“Still, I’d like my stuff too. So I’ll be back in a while, please don’t destroy the place while I’m gone.”

Rolling his eyes, Justin just laid back on the couch as he heard the front door opening, closing shortly afterwards. “He has so much faith in me. What a great friend.”



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